Kids Birding stories

13 year old – William gill

I love bird watching. It’s one of my favorite activities. I could sit for hours just watching the birds fly around and interact with each other.

One day, I was out in the park enjoying a nice morning bird watching session. I had been sitting there for a while when I noticed a large bird flying overhead. At first, I didn’t know what it was, but as it got closer, I realized it was a bald eagle!

I was so excited to see such an impressive bird up close. It flew right over my head and landed in a nearby tree. I watched it for a few minutes as it perched in the tree. What an amazing experience!

16 year old – Laura reese

I’ve always loved nature. I grew up in the city, but my family would go on hikes and explore every park we could find. So when my dad suggested bird watching, I was all in. We bought a pair of binoculars and started to watch the birds in our backyard.

It didn’t take long for me to get hooked. I loved learning about the different types of birds and their habits. And getting up close and personal with them through our binoculars was just incredible. I even started keeping a journal of the different birds we saw each day.

Eventually, we started taking bird watching trips to different parts of the country. We’d spend hours hiking through forests and meadows, looking for new species of birds to add to our list. It was an amazing experience and one that I’ll never forget.

12 year old – Harry hall

I love bird watching!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone out into nature with my mom and dad to watch the birds and ended up getting lost in thought, forgetting all my troubles in school!!!

But that’s not to say that bird watching is always calm and serene okay?? Sometimes, it can be quite exciting! For example, one time me & my cousin were out watching some hawks when a bald eagle suddenly appeared! It was such an amazing sight to see that big eagle soaring through the sky.

Anyway, long story short, I absolutely love bird watching and I recommend it to all my classmates and friends!